Cold & Flu are caused by viruses that are contagious and can be transmitted when you come in contact with another person who is sick or when you touch common surface areas, like doorknobs, toilet handles, keyboards, etc.

Now, it would be great if we were superhumans and would never have to face these conditions. But cold & flu is a pretty common problem and attacks you at all the wrong times, like when you have an interview or have a date night planned, and leaves people feeling miserable and exhausted by the time they get rid of that stuffy nose and can evensleep peacefully again.
Though over-the-counter medications and antibiotics are available for severe symptoms, an immediate solution like the cold & flu therapy Newport beach helps,when you need immediate relief.
How does cold & flu therapy Newport beach work?
Cold & flu is an indication of a depressed immune system, that makes your body weak and leaves you feeling dehydrated.
But a booster like the cold & flu therapy Newport beach can greatly help in reviving your body, by providing those essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients that your body craves during these times, through Intravenous therapy (IV therapy).
Advanced IV therapies like the cold & flu IV therapy Newport beach, is highly effective as it reaches your bloodstream almost instantaneously, unlike having to wait for your gut to decide, which pills or medication it will absorb. The 100% absorption of IV therapy, thus helps your body to fight against the unwanted cold & flu virus, with a quick immunity boost.
Impressed? Try it now
Hydration 4 U’s cold& flu therapy Newport beach, is designed keeping in mind the wellness demands of today’s active lifestyle where people are always in a hurry to meet deadlines and also prone to facing various health issues.

We have also gone a step further to provide you cold & flu therapy Newport beach at the comfort of your space, which can be your home, office, or even a vacation rental, so that you waste no time in combating the highly inconvenient cold & flu virus and can carry on with your day-to-day activities as planned.
The congestion reliefand the reduced body aches, that one feels when the body is replenished with the essential fluids with the help of cold & flu therapy Newport beach, is something truly amazing.
Interested in giving our home IV therapies a go and want to know more about our services? Then just visit us at and book an appointment with us or call us today!